Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to me. At Dreaming of the Next Trip I won’t ask you for personal information unless I truly need it. I won’t share your personal information with anyone except to comply with the law.

Dreaming of the Next Trip collects minimal information from users posting comments – typically a name, website and email address. Your name and website may be displayed on the site if you post a comment, but your email address and privacy will always be kept secure.

Any personal information stored on a mailing list is solely kept for the distribution of blog posts/newsletters – I don’t share personal information with third parties. At the bottom of every post or newsletter is an easy way to opt-out.

Dreaming of the Next Trip uses Google Analytics to track website usage and provide information such as referring websites and user actions on the website. Google Analytics may capture your IP address, but no other personal information.

COOKIES: Like most websites, Dreaming of the Next Trip uses cookies. Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored on your computer. They are designed to record your browsing history, log in information, and your web surfing history. Personal information is not collected by cookies, although if you previously provided personal information then cookies may be linked to this information.

Dreaming of the Next Trip may use third-party advertising companies to show you ads when you visit the website. These companies may use your stored cookies to provide you advertisements about goods and services that are of an interest to you. You can clear or turn off cookies at any time in your web browser.